Saturday, November 29, 2008


I'm sitting here at my desk in my room listening to Norah Jones...."Don't Know Why" is playing....

When my HD crashed, I lost all of my Norah. I was sitting here tonight thinking that I wanted some chill music to listen to....and I longed for Norah.

I forgot how much I adore her.

There's a pretty sweet bar in Winter Garden called JR's Attic Door......they have live music and wine and appetizers....last time I was there, a girl was doing Norah covers.

I'd LOVE to see Norah. So chill. 

When I was younger, I listened to pretty much just hip hop and pop and country (weird mix, I know)....and when I left home I started listening to a lot of folk, which opened the door to a lot of different genres. I remember working in the music store back home and hearing Norah and thinking GAH way too bland for me....

But I was at a different place in my life. And now when I hear Norah, all I want to do is sit back and relax.

Did I grow up at some point? 



I miss writing poetry.

I've got to get to the place where I can let it out.

For whatever reason, I'm not there.

I want to be there. 

But I'm not.

It's just not flowing as easily as it has in the past.

Ah well.

In due time, it will


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