Saturday, November 29, 2008

On the job fun!

Thursday, October 02, 2008  
October 2, 2008 

I got super excited when I walked out my door this morning.

It really doesn't take much these days.

It was PERFECT outside. About 65 degrees. Absolutely wonderful. I even got a little chilled in my car on the way to work and that made me happy.

I roll into work about 6:50 this morning, sit down at my desk and my phone rings right away. Evan's extension shows up.

I laugh when I answer – I know he is going to be moody.

"Unacceptable…" I answer.

"NO, KAREN. You are unacceptable. Stop it." Every word is very pronounced, diction 100%, through gritted teeth while trying not to laugh.

I laugh for both of us. 

"Why are you here so early, Evan?"

"I had to meet Taylor here at 6. Punch me in the face. Let'sgotomcdonaldsbye."

I laugh more and hang up the phone. He then yells from his desk, "HIYA! AYE AYE AYE AYE AYEAYE!"

Apparently, someone is psyched to be at work.

We go to MAC donalds and he gets greasy food and I get an iced coffee. That's weird, I never get those.

Back to the office we go, and the rest of the gang comes trickling in. Billy starts setting up stuff for forklift training (which I opted out of….overqualified as it is…I don't need to add anything else to my list. Pssshhh.) and Evan comes scurrying by to go grab a VCR.


Do they even make those anymore? 

I then realize that the forklift tapes that they are about to watch are going to be AMAZING and totally up to date and I can't wait to sit and my desk and hear them.

As he goes scurrying by, he drops off 94 things at my desk for me to "hold" until he gets back. 

Seriously, what do I look like? I happily oblige anyway. It's in my job description.

Then, he starts crop dusting as he walks off. But this was not a silent crop dust. 

He turns on his heel, "KARRRRR RRRRRREN!" and he holds up a "threatening" finger as he blames me for his unsilent crop dust; as if I would do such a thing.

I'm a lady.

I laugh some more. I do this lots at work. It's great for digestion.

So, now the boys are out learning how to operate forklifts and it's quiet in here. That's super rare. 

I don't like it so much.

Prior to stretching this morning, I walked back to the refrigerator in the back of the office to go see if there are any bottles of water hanging out that I can snag. Josh had just put his lunch in the fridge and was standing there talking to Henry about things. I go to grab the handle on the door and a freaking daddy long leg the size of my FACE was on the freezer door.

I let out a minor scream, no big deal, did a little dance, and quick as a flash, I was backed up against the rolling door trying my hardest to remember how to breathe.

"What happened?" says Henry.

I was busy gagging pretty much, and Josh walks over to the fridge.

"Oh, don't be such a (expletive). It's just a daddy long leg."

"I KNOW. I'm more freaked out about those nasty things than a spider the size and girth of a dinner plate."

OK not really, but it sounded legit at the time.

I'm sweating at this point and I hurry away to the safety of Josh's cubicle at least 100 feet away from this monster. Henry is chuckling and grabs a paper towel to go kill it. I feel bad for about a nanosecond, then get the chills when he holds up the paper towel with the dead carcass. 

It took me awhile to recuperate from this incident. The remainder of the day was pretty simple. Got a lot of things done, talked with my boys....enjoyed my day.

On a happier note, our young Taylor is going to be back on site again next week for a new job we just won.

Remember that statement I made about the rubber bands and glove throwing? Yah....pretty sure it's on again.

I'm a happy girl, all my boys, back together again. *sigh*

And PS - I am really happy that the weekend is right around the corner. I need to do some shopping therapy. 

Yep. :)

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