Saturday, November 29, 2008

Allll in a days work...

Wednesday, October 01, 2008  
October 1, 2008 

I'm so tired right now, that I've written this first sentence about 5 times and back spaced over it.

That's rare. Cause I just write.

So, today at lunch, we concluded for about the 15th time that we could make a pretty good comedy show. But this time, instead of one of us thinking we're hilarious, it came from the Randall. I've been telling the guys that we need to start documenting our shenanigans with the video camera...although that MIGHT result in an HR nightmare. I guarantee if this stuff was on tv, we'd get lots of viewers. The banter that goes on between all of us is pretty much show quality....Honestly.

I wish I could regurgitate every instance at work...but so much goes on that I can only grab a few lil chunks of it at the end of the day.

And that was a super gross use of words. Regurgitate....chunks. Nice one, KG.

My feeble attempt at describing what goes on is just that - feeble. There are so many times where I'm crying because I am laughing so hard at something one of the guys said or did.... and I really want to share it with the world.

Ok, that was a little cheesy.

We were sitting in our awesome staff meeting Monday night (yes, the one where I get to stay an extra 63 hours after work to hold such an intense happening) and pretty much every single one of us with the exception of C (he's deaf...that's not funny) is making every attempt humanly possible to remain awake and alert and enthusiastic about the topics at hand. After what seems like a million hours, we reach the end of the meeting minutes and everyone kind of starts throwing stuff out there, talking all over each other, having lots of meaningless conversations. I hear bits and pieces of each conversation..."L3 machine..." "5157 or 5142...." "the conduit above the MCC's..." "huh?..." (that would be C) "Re-badging everyone by February..." "My face is asleep..." "Anthony, did you have something else to say?" "We need a new staff picture..." (that was me, always the practical one) Out in the hallway I hear the office across from us getting rowdy, so everyone at the table starts talking louder. Absolutely necessary.

Our office is not really an's a long hallway that was built for maintenance of the tram's that you take out to the air sides at OIA. It's concrete block with no windows unless you go into one of the adjacent long hallways and there are skylights in there. Anyway, in our hallway we have a metal fence at the front that separates us from everyone else in the "bunker". Nothing else. 

Think chicken wire on steroids.

Just like on the playground.

It's right in front of my desk. I look through a fence all day. Don't be jealous.

There is a swinging chicken wire fence door that we lock with a chain and a padlock at the end of the day. It's pretty pimp. Not gonna lie.

So, anyway, it's getting louder in the hallway, and I look at Chris and say, "Wow, it's not loud in here at all."

Chris says, "Maybe if we close the door a little..."

"Yah, that should help."


Then I laughed and laughed. It was a long day.

Funny glove throwing incident happened this week as well. It was early still - just after stretching, and Evan and Josh were at my desk trying to gather themselves to go out into the field to take some pictures. Josh kept forgetting things, and Evan started adding more paper to the already mounting pile of crap...I mean, important file. I saw a fine opportunity to grab Evan's gloves that were dangling out of his back pocket and give them a good taste of the concrete floor.

Which by the way, since Taylor left, the rubber band shooting and glove throwing has come to a definite halt. Hardly happens. That's so sad.

So, I do as I promised myself, and took his gloves and had a sweet throw down....

I giggled. Evan didn't. Typical. LOT of growing up to do.

Josh returns to my desk. Evan forgets his tape and tells Josh to grab it off his desk. I get excited, because I have a cute little puny tape measure in my desk and I very willingly offered it to Evan. It's not big and manly like everyone else's. It's little and girly, like me.

He refuses to take it. I don't understand why. 

So, Josh comes back to my desk again and he then sees a perfect opportunity for a kick Evan's ankles to make him trip AND glove throwing....and he does the double whammy. Evan runs off...sort of...more like a frolic, through the chicken wire fence door and out into the hallway. Josh launches Evan's gloves almost into HP's office across the hall. Evan mutters a minor complaint on the way over to pick them up and stuff them back into his pocket again.

They disappear around the corner and all is silent for a moment, except for me giggling under my breath.

Silly boys. Glad they are here to make me laugh.

Then, out of nowhere, I see two gloves go soaring back across the hallway, launched like a rocket.... and then Josh reappears to go gather his gloves, yelling "GROW UP EVAN."

Ah, it was so nice to bring back the glove throwing....all is well.

So, this week has already been one mother of an emotional corkscrew.

I don't even know if that makes sense, emotional corkscrew.

Whatever, I like it.

I'm done for now. Maybe I'll get some footage of work and post it one of these days.....

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