Sunday, May 2, 2010

this is the day...

Not a cloud in the sky.

Today is one of those nearly perfect days in FL. There's a breeze, the sun is shining, it's 82 degrees.

I've been sitting on my back porch for the last hour, eating leftover's for lunch and reading "As You Were" when I text my BFF to see how her heart was today. She replied, "Better. Way better. Such a gorgeous day here...makes it impossible to be sad."

I didn't find it ironic that we were both reveling in the beauty of the day. It just made me miss her. She's in Minnesota, and I'm way down here in Florida, but to be honest...not a day goes by that we don't touch base with each other, and it always feels like we are right next door instead of a million miles apart.

I think that's a beautiful be able to be separated by millions of miles, but to be close in your heart and soul. She and I went about 5 years without seeing each other's faces, but we had kept in contact via phone and text and email and when I finally got to see her face this last trip was like we had never been apart, but we had been. It was sooooo amazing to finally be near her and hug her and talk to her, and nothing yet everything had changed.

That's why she will always be my BFF. Cause no matter where we are, we are close. That's true. That's real. I got tears in my eyes reading her words and it made me miss her, and it made me grateful for her being in my life all over again because I know no matter what, she's always there for me.

And I love that.

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